Amdanon ni - About us

Mae Gofod Glas yn brosiect sy’n archwilio’n greadigol berthynas pobl â dŵr croyw yn Nalgylch Conwy.

Fel prosiect datblygu rydym yn ceisio darganfod pam fod dŵr croyw yn bwysig i bobl ac yn gweithio tuag at ddŵr croyw glân ac iach yn nalgylch afon Conwy yn y dyfodol.

Rydym yn cydweithio â chymunedau a phobl greadigol mewn ffyrdd gwahanol a diddorol, yn agored i drafodaethau, yn ymatebol i geisiadau ac â diddordeb mewn syniadau. Nid yw'r gweithgareddau i gyd yn cael eu penderfynu ymlaen llaw - bydd y prosiect yn eu datblygu trwy sgyrsiau ag eraill.

Bydd pethau'n datblygu ac yn esblygu trwy ymgysylltu â phobl, gwrando a chydweithio. Bydd yn parhau i fod yn agored i syniadau a ddaw i’r amlwg drwy sgyrsiau ag eraill.

Pwy sy'n gwneud hyn?

Mae Gofod Glas Conwy yn bartneriaeth rhwng Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru, Dyffryn Dyfodol a Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.

Pryd mae'n digwydd?

I ddechrau, fel rhan o gam datblygu'r prosiect, o fis Ebrill 2024 i fis Chwefror 2025. Gobeithio y bydd yn parhau y tu hwnt i hynny, ond ar hyn o bryd nid oes unrhyw sicrwydd.

Pam ydych chi'n gwneud hyn?

Rydym eisiau archwilio sut y gall dŵr croyw dalgylch afon Conwy fod yn lân ac yn iach. Mae dŵr yn chwarae rhan hanfodol ym mywyd pawb, mae popeth byw yn dibynnu arno, ac mae perthynas bodau dynol â dŵr yn ymddangos yn llai cysylltiedig nawr nag erioed.

Rydym wedi derbyn peth cefnogaeth gan Sefydliad Esmée Fairbairn i archwilio a thrafod thema dŵr croyw gyda chwilfrydedd.

Gofod Glas is a project creatively exploring people’s relationship with freshwater in the Conwy Catchment area.

As a development project we are seeking to discover why freshwater is important to people and work towards clean and healthy freshwaters in the Conwy river catchment into the future.

We are collaborating with communities and creatives in different and engaging ways, being open to discussions, responsive to requests and interested in ideas. The activities are not all decided in advance - the project will develop them through conversations with others.

Things will develop and evolve through engaging with people, listening and collaborating. It’ll remain open to ideas that emerge through conversations with others.

Who’s doing this?

Gofod Glas Conwy is a partnership between North Wales Wildlife Trust, Dyffryn Dyfodol and Natural Resources Wales.

When is it happening?

Initially, as part of a development phase of the project, from April 2024 to February 2025. Hopefully it will continue beyond that, but at the moment there are no guarantees.

Why are you doing this?

We want to explore how the Conwy river catchment freshwater can be clean and healthy. Water plays a vital part in all of life, all living things depend on it, and humans’ relationship with water seems less connected now than ever

We have received some support from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to explore and discuss the theme of freshwater with curiosity.

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve our natural world, secure a fairer future and strengthen the bonds in communities in the UK. We unlock change by contributing everything we can alongside people and organisations with brilliant ideas who share our goals.

Rydym eisiau cefnogi a gweithio gyda chi i wneud yr hyn yr hoffech ei wneud am ddŵr croyw yn Nalgylch Conwy.

Working with Communities

Building an understanding of communities experiences, connections and ideas about freshwater, exploring hopes and wishes for the future for clean and fresh water in the Conwy River Catchment

We want to support and work with you to do what you want to do about freshwater in the Conwy Catchment.

Working with Creativity

Exploring how creative methods can support participation and engagement

Vision and plans

Putting people at the centre of more inclusive decision making about their freshwater.

Mwy yn fuan! More soon!

Haf 2024

Rydym yn dechrau trwy ddarganfod pwy sydd â diddordeb, pa bryderon, cwestiynau a syniadau sydd gennych i gefnogi dyfroedd croyw glân ac iach yn nalgylch afon Conwy i'r dyfodol.

Nid oes angen bod yn ‘arbenigwr’ mewn dŵr croyw na gwybod beth y gallem ei wneud.

Hoffem ddod o hyd i unigolion a chymunedau sydd â diddordeb mewn ymuno â ni i ddarganfod, gweithredu, archwilio ffyrdd creadigol o ymgysylltu â chymunedau.

Efallai yr hoffech chi ddechrau trwy ddod i un o'n digwyddiadau mewn amrywiol ddigwyddiadau cymunedol yn ystod yr haf. Rhowch wybod i ni os hoffech i ni ddod i'ch digwyddiad CHI.

Hydref 2024 ymlaen

Erbyn yr Hydref, byddwn yn gweithio gyda thua 3 cymuned i gefnogi dyfroedd croyw glân ac iach yn nalgylch afon Conwy yn y dyfodol. A fydd eich un chi yn un ohonyn nhw?

Rydym hefyd yn falch iawn o glywed bod gan y Ministry Dŵr genhadaeth yn yr ardal. Darganfyddwch fwy yma

Summer 2024

We are starting by finding out who is interested, what concerns, questions and ideas do you have to support clean and healthy freshwaters in the Conwy river catchment into the future.

There’s no need to be an ‘expert’ in freshwater or to know what we could do. We’d like to find individuals and communities who are interested in joining us in finding out, taking action, exploring creative ways of engaging with communities

You might like to start by coming to one of our events at various community events during the summer. Let us know if you’d like us to come to YOUR event.

Autumn 2024 onwards

By the Autumn, we will be working with about 3 communities to support clean and healthy freshwaters in the Conwy river catchment into the future. Will yours be one of them?

We are also delighted to hear that the Ministry of Water has a mission in the area. Find out more here

Cysylltwch! Get in touch!

Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych

We would love to hear from you

Diweddariadau - Updates

Hoffem eich diweddaru am y prosiect a digwyddiadau yn Nalgylch Conwy.

Byddwn yn cadw eich manylion cyswllt ond ni fyddwn byth yn eu rhannu ag unrhyw un arall heb eich caniatâd.

Gallwch optio allan unrhyw bryd drwy anfon e-bost atom ar:

We’d like to keep you updated about the project and events in the Conwy Catchment area.

We will keep your contact details but will never share them with anyone else without your permission.

You can opt out at any time by simply emailing us on: