Gweithio gyda chreadigedd
Working with creativity

Rydym yn chwilio am bobl a hoffai weithio’n greadigol gyda’u cymunedau i gael dŵr croyw glân ac iach yn Nyffrynnoedd Conwy.

Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn dysgu gyda’n gilydd am sut y gallai dulliau creadigol helpu i ymgysylltu â chymunedau. Rydym am ddod o hyd i bobl greadigol a all weithio gydag eraill mewn ffyrdd penagored, gan ddefnyddio creadigrwydd fel ffordd o ymgysylltu a darganfod gyda'n gilydd.

Mae’r pwyslais ar adael i bethau ddod i’r amlwg, yn hytrach na chael canlyniadau a bennwyd ymlaen llaw, gan ddefnyddio creadigrwydd i greu lle ar gyfer sgwrsio a chyd-ddarganfod.

Mae'r adran hon yn dweud ychydig mwy am yr hyn yr ydym yn chwilio amdano a sut i roi gwybod i ni os oes gennych ddiddordeb

We are seeking people who would like to work creatively with their communities for clean and healthy freshwater in Dyffrynnoedd Conwy.

We are interested in learning together about how creative methods might help engage with communities. We want to find creatives who can work with others in open-ended ways, using creativity as a way of engaging and finding out together.

The emphasis is on letting things emerge, rather than having pre-determined outcomes, using creativity to create space for conversation and co-discovery.

This section says a little more about what we are looking for and how to let us know if you are interested

Bydd casgliad o bobl greadigol
(Iwan Williams, Katie Trent, Lindsey Colbourne, Lin Cummins, Rhodri Owen a David Cleary)
yn cydweithio ac yn creu gofod i gymunedau lleol, grwpiau ac arbenigwyr rannu a chael mynediad agored i wahanol fathau o wybodaeth yn ymwneud â dŵr.

Trwy’r cynulliadau hyn, mae’r prosiect yn gobeithio amlygu dylanwad pwerus dŵr ar ddiwylliant, cymdeithas a’r amgylchedd, a chwestiynu beth sydd angen ei newid er mwyn (ail)ddarganfod ffyrdd cynaliadwy o fyw gyda chynefinoedd dŵr croyw?

A collective of creatives
(Iwan Williams, Katie Trent, Lindsey Colbourne,
Lin Cummins, Rhodri Owen and David Cleary),
will collaborate and create space for local communities, groups and specialists to openly share and access different forms of knowledge related to water.

Through these gatherings, the project hopes to highlight water’s powerful influence on culture, society and the environment, and to question what needs to change in order to (re)discover sustainable ways of living with freshwater habitats?

Nodiadau Maes i Ffrindiau Creadigol:
Field Notes for creative friends

Dyma lyfr gwaith / canllaw penagored i unrhyw un sydd am arwain prosiect cymunedol creadigol. Mae’n disgrifio’r dull yr ydym yn gobeithio ei ddefnyddio, yn seiliedig ar yr hyn a ddysgwyd ar y cyd gan grŵp o bobl greadigol Dyffryn Dyfodol.

Here is an open ended workbook / guide for anyone wishing to lead a creative community project. It describes the approach we are hoping to use, based on shared learnings from the Dyffryn Dyfodol group of creatives.

Syniadau creadigol - Creative ideas

Here are some creative ideas for engaging people/starting conversations, by way of inspiration/illustration

Mapping relationships to water

Photomarathon/photo exhibition where people explore how water has changed over time

Dwr Doeth - Water Wisdom: What can we learn from water?

Dwr cyn Dwr Cymru: Water before pipes and taps (ffynhonnau - springs and wells)

Dilyn y Dwr: Follow the flow - hanes, natur, sgwrs, dyfodol

Pontio Dyffryn Conwy: Discovering ways of crossing the Conwy

Dwr yn Pweru’r Dyffryn: historical look at industrial sites

Be’ mae’r dyffryn yn isio?

Natur Dwr - hyper local walks

Come Divine with me - using divining rods to discover the secrets of water

Taith y Dwr - walks sharing what we know/love/are concerned about

Cwrcl Oracl

Gêm dalgylch Conwy - Conwy catchment game

Cysylltwch! Get in touch!

Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych os hoffech weithio mewn ffyrdd creadigol gyda chymuned

We would love to hear from you if you’d like to work in creative ways with a community

Diweddariadau - Updates

Hoffem eich diweddaru am y prosiect a digwyddiadau yn Nalgylch Conwy.

Byddwn yn cadw eich manylion cyswllt ond ni fyddwn byth yn eu rhannu ag unrhyw un arall heb eich caniatâd.

Gallwch optio allan unrhyw bryd drwy anfon e-bost atom ar:

We’d like to keep you updated about the project and events in the Conwy Catchment area.

We will keep your contact details but will never share them with anyone else without your permission.

You can opt out at any time by simply emailing us on: