Newid Cyflwr: Creu Cydweithfa Ieuenctid Changing States: Imagining a Youth Collective
Archwilio perthnasoedd pobl ifanc â dŵr croyw!
Ymunwch â’r Cyfleuwr (Curadur David Cleary) ag Ymddiredolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru a helpwch ni i greu Cydweithfa Ieuenctid ar gyfer Gofod Glas.
Rydym yn chwilio am bobl ifanc 14-17 oed sy’n awyddus i gydweithio fel grŵp a rhannu eu safbwyntiau. Rydym yn croesawu cyfranogwyr o bob cefndir a diddordeb, p'un a ydych yn frwd dros yr amgylchedd a hinsawdd, os oes gennych ochr greadigol, neu'n teimlo cysylltiad personol â hanes ac afonydd yr ardal.
Exploring young people's relationship with freshwater!
Join Conveyor (Curator David Cleary) and North Wales Wildlife Trust and help us imagine a Youth Collective for Gofod Glas.
We’re looking for young people aged 14-17 who are eager to collaborate as a group and share their perspectives. We welcome participants from all backgrounds and interests, whether you're passionate about environmental and climate justice, have a creative side, or feel a personal connection to the area's history and rivers.