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Dyfodol Dyffrynoedd Conwy

〰️ Exploring the future of freshwater in the Conwy River valleys〰️

Dyfodol Dyffrynoedd Conwy 〰️ Exploring the future of freshwater in the Conwy River valleys〰️

Mae Gofod Glas yn broses greadigol barhaol, wedi’i wreiddio yn Nyffryn Conwy, sy’n archwilio’n perthynas gyda dŵr croyw.

Cefnoga Gofod Glas unigolion, bobl creadigol, cymunedau, mudiadau ac arbenigwyr i gydweithio. Gan feithrin perthnasau newydd, dysgu ar y cyd a rhannu gwahanol fathau o wybodaeth a phrofiad, rydym am dynnu sylw at dylanwad pwerus dŵr ar ddiwylliant, cymdeithas a’r amgylchedd, i’n cefnogi ni i (ail)ddarganfod ffyrdd cynaliadwy o gyd-fodoli gyda ecosystemau’n dŵr croyw.

Situated in the Conwy Valley, Gofod Glas is an ongoing creative process exploring human relationships with freshwater.

Gofod Glas supports individuals, creatives, communities, organisations and specialists to collaborate. Through nurturing new relationships, collective learning and sharing different forms of knowledge and experience, we want to highlight water’s powerful influence on culture, society and the environment, aiding us to (re)discover sustainable ways of living with our freshwater ecosystems.

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Gofod Glas Llanrwst

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Hoffem eich diweddaru am y prosiect a digwyddiadau yn Nalgylch Conwy.
Ticiwch y blwch ‘Cofrestrwch am newyddion a diweddariadau’ isod

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