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Dyfodol Dyffrynoedd Conwy

〰️ Exploring the future of freshwater in the Conwy River valleys〰️

Dyfodol Dyffrynoedd Conwy 〰️ Exploring the future of freshwater in the Conwy River valleys〰️

Rydym yn archwilio’n greadigol perthynas pobl â dŵr croyw yn Nalgylch afon Conwy

Mae Gofod Glas yn brosiect datblygu sy’n ceisio darganfod pam fod dŵr croyw yn bwysig i bobl, a gweithio tuag at ddŵr croyw glân ac iach yn nalgylch afon Conwy i’r dyfodol….

Beth mae dŵr croyw yn ei olygu i chi?

Oes gennych chi syniad am rywbeth y gallem eich cefnogi i'w wneud gyda'ch cymuned?

Ydych chi'n berson creadigol sydd â diddordeb mewn gweithio gyda'ch cymuned?

We are creatively exploring people’s relationship with freshwater in the Conwy Catchment area

Gofod Glas is a development project, seeking to find out why freshwater is important to people, and work towards clean and healthy freshwaters in the Conwy river catchment into the future….

What does freshwater mean to you?

Do you have an idea for something we could support you to do with your community?

Are you a creative person who is interested in working with your community?

Cysylltwch! Get in touch!

Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych

We would love to hear from you

Hoffem eich diweddaru am y prosiect a digwyddiadau yn Nalgylch afon Conwy. Byddwn yn cadw eich manylion cyswllt ond ni fyddwn byth yn eu rhannu ag unrhyw un arall heb eich caniatâd.

Gallwch optio allan unrhyw bryd drwy anfon e-bost atom ar:

We’d like to keep you updated about the project and events in the Conwy Catchment area. We will keep your contact details but will never share them with anyone else without your permission.

You can opt out at any time by simply emailing us on: