Holi’r Dyffryn! Ask the Valley!

Beth hoffech chi ei wybod am ddŵr croyw yn ardal Dyffryn Conwy? Ychwanegwch at ein rhestr o gwestiynau … ac ychwanegwch unrhyw atebion

What would you like to know about freshwater in the Conwy Valley area? Add to our list of questions … and add any answers



The Water’s Journey - what do we know? What do we want to know?

Beth ydy'r afon hiraf yn y dyffryn? // What’s the longest river in the valley?

Pa mor hir mae'n ei gymryd i ddŵr deithio o un pen pob afon i geg Afon Conwy? // How long does it take water to travel from one end of each river to the mouth of the Conwy?

Is the Conwy catchment isolated or does Dwr Cymru pump water between catchment areas?

Sut beth yw ansawdd y dŵr yn ein llynnoedd a’n hafonydd? // What’s the water quality like in our lakes and rivers?

Is the water clean?

O ble fasech chi’n yfed? Where would you drink from?

How different is the water before it arrives from the sky, and after it leaves? 

Sawl eog sydd ar ôl? A oes unrhyw Eog? // How many salmon are left? Are there any Salmon?

Ble mae'r problemau llygredd gwaethaf? // Where are the worst pollution problems?

Is there any control of silage runoff and slurry into rivers

Sut bydd y cyfundrefnau plannu coed newydd yn effeithio ar wlyptiroedd? // How will wetlands be affected by the new tree-planting regimes?

Pam mae fy ffynnon yn sychu'n amlach nawr? // Why does my well dry up more often now?

Fyddai carthu’r afon yn atal y llifogydd? // Would dredging the river stop the flooding?

Sut bydd newid hinsawdd yn effeithio ar lifogydd a sychder? // How will climate change affect flooding and drought?

Beth ydy dy gysylltiad gyda cwrw? // What is the connection with beer?

Ydi pobl yn dal i gofio am trychineb Dolgarrog 1925? // Do people still remember the Dolgarrog 1925 disaster?


Holi’r Afon: Ask the River

How are you doing?

How do you feel?

Are you happy? What makes you happy?

Are you treated with respect? 

How do you flow, where have you come from?

What did you used to be like? What has changed?

What do you think of us? Can you forgive humans?

How will you be working for people in a hundred years time?

Where do you want to go?

How do we help?

How do they filter your water? 

How many fish are you home to (and which species)?

Do you remember me?

How much would you like to be seen?


How do we stop making the water companies put in end of pipe solutions?

A ellir defnyddio'r gyfatebiaeth o systemau dŵr croyw sy'n cynnal bywyd i eiriol dros undod ar draws ffiniau? // Can the analogy of freshwater systems which sustains life, be used to advocate for solidarity across borders?

Beth yw gwleidyddiaeth dŵr croyw, dynameg pŵer, effaith etifeddiaeth drefedigaethol barhaus a rhagdybiaethau? // What are the politics of freshwater, the power dynamics, the impact of continued colonial legacy and assumptions?

Beth mae Dŵr Cymru yn ei wneud am y draeniau storm yng Nghapel Curig? // What are Welsh Water doing about the storm drains in Capel Curig?

Beth allwn ni ei wneud am dwristiaid/faniau a gwastraff dynol wrth ymyl Llynnau Mymbyr? // What can we do about tourists/vans and human waste next to Llynnau Mymbyr?

A oes unrhyw gymorth i adeiladu pwll? Neu i gael casgen ddŵr? // Is there any support to build a pond? Or to get a water butt?


Hierarchy of control: landowner / Govt. / Agencies / Water Companies / Climate

Landowners (access) • Government (quality) • Quangos (enforce quality) • Water supply companies (quality and quantity) • weather / climate

Statutory bodies (local / national government, Dwr Cymru, NRW) and individual responsibility not to litter, pollute etc. 

Gravity / slope 

Weather / nature

Landowners: quality of water

Government agency / landowners


Impact on climate from human behavior

The power always lies with the people (or does it?)

When there is overlap between government and local residents will to action or inaction


Nature / Power / people

Nature (but we impact)

Air quality

Those who control water: political 

Dwr Cymru / Uk Gov / Mother Earth



Ychwanegwch eich cwestiwn! Add your question!

Neu anfonwch ateb i un o'r cwestiynau! Or send an answer to one of the questions!


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